Army Ten Miler – I’m IN!

The crickets have been chirping on my blog since I had a crazy several days on a business trip. My business trips involve 120 people, arguing with airlines and bus drivers, and I am constantly on the go, so computer time can be limited. I managed to get a workout in on Saturday thanks to a good hotel gym and the Nike Training Club app on my phone.

Most importantly, my exciting news of the day: I registered for the Army Ten Miler! Registration opened last night at midnight, and I fully intended to stay up to sign up since I heard it sells out quickly. But I had a double-fail: I fell asleep in my workout clothes while putting kids to bed, so it was not only an exercise fail, but an Army Ten Miler registration fail. Thankfully there were still spots this morning when I woke up, since I had coordinated with a few friends to sign up together.


I’ve always wanted to do this race! I thought I’d be pretty much done with crowded races after my recent Nike Women’s Half Marathon and the potty lines, but this is a race I really want to do at least once. And the 10 mile distance seems like a great fall goal after my sprint triathlon.

Do you have a race bucket list? Which race have you always wanted to sign up for?

One thought on “Army Ten Miler – I’m IN!

  1. Pingback: Yes, I Signed Up For That. And That. And That. | You Signed Up For What?!

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