Garmin 10 vs. Nike+ app

The past two days, I have been rocking the morning workouts – go me! It feels so great to get the workout done and out of the way, without the pressure to fit something in after kids go to bed when I’m really exhausted and just want to sit down and relax.

This week, Eat Pray Run, DC, blogged about 5 steps to turning a night owl into a morning runner. These suggestions really resonated with me – hellllo, #2! I’m the worst at just (as evidenced by this post being written at 11:40pm the night before a 14-hour workday).

Yesterday morning I felt so new. I wore my new shoes and gave my new Garmin 10 a whirl. I’ve been ogling running watches for a long time and fully intended to get something while training for the Nike Women’s Half Marathon in April. In fact, this was the exact watch I almost bought the week before the race.

I didn’t end up buying one back then since I decided to get something that could also handle cycling for the triathlon training, but after doing research on triathlon-style Garmin watches, I’ve decided that I really can’t splurge like that when I also need to buy a bike. So I went with the running-only watch since it does what I want it to do for running.


I ran my Nike+ app on my phone to compare. The two devices were not in sync for the distance. I didn’t pause at any intersections or when I adjusted my watch once so the time and pace are a little inflated.


The shoes – wow they were really, well – ORANGE in the box, but on my feet they were more like a fun splash of color. I loved them overall, they feel so different from my old Asics. They are way lighter but still pretty cushiony and supportive in most areas. However, after mile 3 I developed some pretty bad toe/foot pain. It could be related to my Morton’s Neuroma – I’m not sure if it was the shoe.

This morning I was just snoozing my 6am alarm when F, my 17-month-old cutiehappyboy, decided it was a great time to wake up and scream loudly. He shares a room with his 3.5 year old brother, so i scooped him up, made him some breakfast, and took him in the jogging stroller for a little run. We only did 2.25 miles because I had to get to a meeting, but the foot was just starting to act up.

Nike+ and the Garmin were pretty in sync today. Someone please tell me to stop running my app and obsessively comparing the GPS accuracy of both devices. I cannot stop with stuff like this (obsessive much?).

Off to bed so I can get up early and workout, Eat Pray Run’s #2 is haunting me. Go…to…bed!

15 thoughts on “Garmin 10 vs. Nike+ app

  1. I did the same thing, compared my gps watch and my nike app. Not sure what made me stop, but I just stopped recently and just go by my watch now. You go girl, it’s hard to get up that early when you have a full time job to get up for. You are rockin it, just do the best that you can!

  2. I really want a Garmin Forerunner 10. I have found that my Nike+ system always tells me I’ve ran further and faster than I actually have. I cannot get up early either btw! #needtogotobedearly

    • I am getting used to the Garmin. I love the idea of it, but am wondering if I should have gotten a more complex one with more features. The 10 is perfect for just running though and the Garmin website has TONS of data on the uploaded runs – it’s impressive.

  3. I use both when I run, I have the Nike+iPod and the reason you get the difference is because of the foot pod, it tracks your stride and thus your steps and calculates your distance based on your feet. You might want to try re-calibrating it. I’m going to do that today before I run. But trust the Garmin over the Nike because…well the Garmin is using satellites to track your location/speed/distance.

    • Ah, good thought but I’m not using a foot pod – just the Nike+ app on my phone which is using the phone’s GPS satellites. I’m wondering if a phone is more calibrated to track a moving car rather than the more precise tracking of a person on foot?

  4. I used to use Runkeeper and I did the same exact thing when I got my Garmin. I was actually pleasantly surprised that the Runkeeper’s GPS had been pretty spot on and both synced the same distance. I’ve since put Runkeeper on the back burner and only use my Garmin now.

    And I’m totally with you on the going to bed part! I’m always staying up late that’s why I struggle to get up any earlier than I do. But luckily I still have time to get a morning run in most mornings!

    Love the Garmin color!!!

    • Thanks! That’s great that Runkeeper was pretty spot on, I didn’t know if it was my phone’s GPS signal or the app. But in any case, I’m loving the Garmin now.

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