First Friday Five

I love lists. Preferably lists with little checkboxes next to them. I can often be found adding an item to a list just to be able to check it off. What, you don’t do that too? Just me then?  Be thankful that all my posts aren’t just lists with little checkboxes.

I was inspired by my buddy Courtney from Eat Pray Run, DC and her Friday 5 lists, and since she’s been doing a Friday linkup I thought I’d go for the list post today. It’s as if she created this linkup just for moi so that I can find other list-loving people… Sigh, I’ll dream of lists tonight. It would sure beat my Walking-Dead-esque zombie nightmares that I have sometimes. Unless my dream will include a list-eating zombie.

Okay, well back to business: here’s my first Friday Five, a totally random assortment of things from my week:

[cue the drumroll…]

1. Some restaurants are amazing and really care.

I’ve mentioned before that my youngest has food allergies, so we rarely go out to eat and when we do we bring food for him. Our lives are filled with constant fear and stress over his potential anaphylaxis, and avoiding sunflower, peanuts, and tree nuts at all costs.

We read recommendations for Not Your Average Joe’s, a small chain of restaurants in MA, MD, & VA, and how conscientious they are about food allergies., so we decided to try the one near us – and they exceeded our expectations. We had a personal visit from the manager and the chef before the food came to understand his allergies and explain how they were going to keep him safe. Then another visit (or two) from the manager and chef after the food came to check in and make sure we were comfortable. And the food was delicious, we all loved our meals! So for anyone with food allergies – or without! – we say GO to Not Your Average Joe’s, they are awesome.

2013-08-31 19.52.04

2. Running with an almost-4-year-old is harder work than running with a 1-year-old.

Duh. On Sunday, I had to work an outdoor rehearsal and concert in the heat for 8-9 hours all afternoon and evening, but I needed to get in a run. I wanted to run with the 1-year-old in the stroller, but he was happy playing with his big sister, so I succumbed to the middle child’s begging and let him hop in.

It was hot. He was heavy. It was a great upper body workout in addition to the running.


And when we returned, a very jealous 1 year old freaked out when he saw his brother in the stroller, and wanted his turn. Sorry, mommy is overheated. Can you spot the jealous Great Dane in the picture?


3. Doing a triathlon means Cynthia buys lots of stuff.

I know I don’t need every little thing out there, but after the Duathlon, I vowed I’d get those no-tie laces to speed up my transitions. I finally tried the Xtenex laces I bought at a store recently on the run I mentioned in #2. I’ve now used them twice and the jury is still out since they bother the top of my foot. I know I can survive in them for a 2.5 mile run at the tri so I’m going to use them this weekend and then play around with the tension when I run next week.


4. Losing more weight means nothing fits.

Of course this is a good problem to have, but seriously – one week before the triathlon and my sports bra doesn’t fit? Yikes! I took my daughter to Fleet Feet Sports and she got an education in bra fitting, lucky her. Hopefully she doesn’t need to worry about that for several more years, but it was fun to have her along. Another weird thing I discovered is that somehow I’ve turned into a size Small in Nike clothes – how the heck did that happen?! I’ve never been a small so maybe they are being generous with their sizing these days.

5. I’m writing this list instead of packing for my triathlon.


Tomorrow morning I leave for Iron Girl Rocky Gap.  I’m a little anxious and a lot excited. I really should get back to obsessing over my triathlon packing list and throw in a load of laundry.  And then I’ll add “LAUNDRY” to my To Do List and check it right off.  CHECK!

Are you a list lover too?