Friday Five: Thankful

Another Friday, another Friday Five. It’s now tradition like pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving (don’t tell me you don’t like pumpkin pie…). I’m linking up again with my DC Trifecta friends Mar/Mar on the Run and Courtney/Eat Pray Run DC, and we’ve gone thematic today with an appropriately Thanksgivingish theme for the last Friday before the lovely holiday: Thankfulness.

Grab the link up badge!

It’s that time of year where we all think about what we are thankful for, and I’m feeling more sentimental than usual lately. There’s so much to appreciate in this world and in this life, and I genuinely hope that each and every one of you has a positive and meaningful Thanksgiving.

My Thankful Five:

1. Heart

The owners of these little blonde heads steal my heart. I am in awe of them and thankful for them each and every day.

kids cropped image

2. Soul

My soul feeds on music. I am thankful for all of the meaningful ways that my soul is fulfilled by working in the performing arts. I have the privilege to hear the most amazing live music being created every day at my workplace, and to do a small part to help make it happen is truly a special thing.

Bernstein quote

3. Mind

I value being challenged and am thankful for all the opportunities for education. Not just school education, but the ability to continually learn throughout our lives and expand our minds. In this way, the internet is amazing – there is information at our fingertips and we are readily connected with others who can expand our exposure to new and different ideas.

4. Body

To have the ability to challenge myself and stretch the limits of what my body can do – this is amazing. I am thankful for health and fitness and the energy to continually strive towards new goals.


5. Community

My life is enriched by my communities – my wonderful neighbors, family, and my friends. Near and far, old and new, I am thankful for all of them. In addition to my in-person friends, my online communities have been an incredible source of fulfillment for me throughout the years. I’ve been a part of a small online forum for years that has provided me with wonderful friends who have shared my joys, sorrows, shared advice, and just simply been there to chat.

I have met so many amazing people through running and triathlon – these two overlapping groups are incredibly positive and exciting. Since starting this blog, I’ve connected with so many people and been inspired in new ways by their blogs and by all of your comments here on mine.

To be a part of the amazing group of Girls Gone Sporty Ambassadors has brought me new friendships.  And this week I was welcomed as a Sweat Pink Ambassador, which is exciting and fun.

I am thankful for the wonderful people brought into my life through all of these areas.


So there you have it – five drippy, sappy thankful things. Can I go back to being sarcastic and joking now?

Link up your Friday Five post here, or just check out the other posts and chime in with a comment!

What are you thankful for?

Where do you find meaningful support and inspiration?